Jesus and Healing

Jesus and Healing: Our Wholeness in Redemption

Healing is not just an act of divine intervention—it is woven into New Creation reality and the very fabric of Christ’s finished work. In Jesus, the cross was not solely the forgiveness of sins but the restoration of humanity’s wholeness. A whole new race was born. In Christ's death, burial, and resurrection we do not receive partial measures; but the...

Forgiveness and reconciliation

Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Letting Love Lead the Way in Mending Broken Relationships

The Wound of a Broken Relationship There are few things more painful than the wound of a broken relationship. Whether it’s a betrayal, a harsh word, a deep misunderstanding, or even years of unresolved tension, or ongoing toxicity, broken relationships cut to the core of who we are. Maybe it was a friend who walked away without an explanation. Maybe it was a family member...

Lost Faith, Unstoppable Grace: This Is Cindy’s Journey

Lost Faith, Unstoppable Grace: This Is Cindy’s Journey

Faith Shaken: Grace Unshakable Have you ever wondered if you could lose something as sacred as your faith—and then, against all odds, find it again? If you’ve ever felt distant from what once lit you up, or wrestled with the weight of rules that seemed to snuff out joy, you’re not alone. Grace, law, grace, law: a hamster wheel that...

Jesus and the Resurrection

Jesus and the Resurrection: The Triumph of Life Over Death

"The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the explosive turning point of history, the moment where life triumphed over death and everything changed forever." It’s the cornerstone of our faith, the defining moment of victory over death itself. In this GAN TV weekly feature article, we won’t cover everything—no single article could—but we will carefully examine this life-altering truth of what...

Judgment is Here, Please Pass Out the Beer

Judgment is Here, Please Pass Out the Beer

Written By Brandon Vaughn, host of Gan TV’s Adventures in Grace. Click HERE to watch. In a world where “judgment” often conjures images of condemnation and despair, it’s time to reframe this familiar term as a celebration of divine restoration. The Greek word krino—from which we derive “judgment”—originally meant to weigh, measure, or decide, much like when you’re weighing your options before making an...

What is the gospel?

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The word "gospel" comes from the Greek euangelion, meaning "good news." So often when we hear the message of the gospel in this modern age, is it really good? We are going to examine this word gospel with intention to bring light to it's truest meaning. In the ancient world, in the earliest church, it was used to announce a...

Breaking Free from the 10 Commandments

Breaking Free from The 10 Commandments

Adapted by, from The100foldjourney with Doug Corbett.  Watch:  HERE   “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” — Galatians 5:1 With these articles I’ve been exploring the freedom we have in Christ, based on Galatians 5:1, which says, "It is for...
