11 Ways You’re Blocking Your Blessings and How to Unblock Them – Part 2 of 5

Catherine Toon

Also watch Catherine on Gan Tv’s Perspectives with Catherine Toon.

In the last article, (Read Part 1 in Catherine’s Series – HERE)  I discussed the 11 ways you may be blocking the blessings God has for you. This discussion sprung forth out of a word the Lord spoke to me. He said:

“Let Me adorn your life. Let Me adorn you!” When God spoke this, He gave me Mark 10:13-15 (TPT) to help me understand exactly what He meant. If you want to read that article first for more understanding, click here.

As we continue in part 2 of this series I want to discuss the first 3 hindrances mentioned and how to overcome them.

Remember, it was God’s idea first to bless His kids. We start with knowing that He is infinitely good and knows how to lavishly bless us without “spoiling” our character.


Let’s get started.

Hindrance #1: Overcoming False Guilt

False guilt causes us to see God as withholding. This critical voice says something like, “It’s not about your blessing, you selfish thing!”

I know I said this but it bears repeating: It’s key for us to understand God is infinitely good and blessing His kids was His perfect idea. 2 Peter 1:3 says:

Everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to God has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.

Apparently, God left nothing to chance. He lavishly deposited (past tense!) in us everything we need for life and godliness; He personally invites us into the manifestation of His goodness.

What good parent withholds from their kids? Romans 8:32 asks, if God didn’t withhold the greatest treasure of Christ, what other good things would He withhold from us, His kids? I bet you can see where I’m going with this.

If God is all about blessing you as His child, the accusation of being “selfish” is simply not from Him. The word says in Romans 8:33 – 34 that no one can lay a charge against His kids, because God justifies us. Therefore, we’re un-condemnable.

So much for the accusatory voice that says you’re “selfish” anytime you need or want a blessing!

Here’s my suggestion: take that thought/voice captive and speak back to it. “You’re going to have to take that up with God. After all, HE’s the one that wants to bless me. HE has justified me!”

If you’re still struggling, talk to the Lord about where you picked up false guilt and let Him minister to you.


Hindrance #2: Overcoming the Fear that Your Blessing Will Negate Someone Else’s Blessing


Are you afraid that if you get your blessing someone else won’t get theirs?

This critical voice says something like, “Who are you to get ____, when there are people who don’t even have ____!”

There’s a sense of limited resources with this belief. While it is true that there are limited resources in the natural realm, you are one with a God of unlimited heavenly resources. And He is poised to break into the natural. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (TPT) says:

8 Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.

God once told me that I could have as much of the “pie” as I wanted. My slice(s) wouldn’t diminish anyone else’s portion. There was more than I could ever want. He would just keep “making pies,” one delightful flavor after the next!

So, here’s my suggestion: ask the Lord where you got the idea that resources are limited. Ask Him to minister to all the places in your heart that have been compromised by lack. Lastly, ask Him minister to you about what abundance for all His kids looks like.

Watch Perspectives with Catherine Toon’s Gan TV show on Fear – Overcoming the Bully of Fear 

Hindrance #3: Overcoming the Condemnation of “Falling Short”

Are you feeling condemned and as if you’re falling short? This critical voice says something like, “You know you’ve failed over and over!” or “You just aren’t doing enough!”

I was talking to God about this particular one (anyone else?) and He said, “It’s not about your good behavior. My performance for you was without fault. And I chose you and placed you inside Me. There is no place for condemnation in Me.”

Romans 8:1 says that in Christ there is NO condemnation. Romans 8:33 – 34 (TPT) goes further, stating:

33 Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”

34 Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph?

Therefore, here’s my suggestion: You need to resist condemnation as hard as you resist sin. Receiving condemnation (even when you sin) is essentially saying that Christ didn’t do a good enough job on the cross. Again, it’s about His performance, not yours.

Look, sin is a very real problem. You need to own where you have fallen short, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself, resist condemnation, and then…. move on. His triumph is your triumph! If you are having false guilt, take my suggestion for hindrance #1.

I hope this has been freeing and helpful. It glorifies a good Father when you (His kid) are happy & thriving! Let me know how this is impacting you and join me for the next part!

Visit Catherine’s Website at Catherine Toon.com 


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