This article is adapted for from The Joe Kingdom’s Perspective WATCH: HERE
A Kingdom Perspective: On Earth as it is in Heaven
The Joe Kingdom Perspective: A Fresh Lens on Today’s Issues
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” These powerful words spoken by Jesus declared the transformative truth of His mission: to bring Heaven’s perspective to earth. Central to this mission was restoring humanity to its original identity and purpose in God’s design.
The Joe Kingdom Perspective, hosted by Dubb Alexander, Ryan Pena, and Tony Robinson, takes key clips from The Joe Rogan Experience and reframes them through the lens of the Kingdom of God. This unique show delves into cultural and geopolitical issues, offering greater reality insights grounded in biblical principles and Heaven’s perspective. As believers, we are called to be world-changers, carrying the Kingdom of God and commissioning Heaven’s reality to manifest on earth.
Dubb, Ryan, Tony and their many guests boldly tackle the thought-provoking topics discussed on The Joe Rogan Experience, reframing them through the lens of Christ’s Kingdom. By shifting the lens, they extract significant discussion points and reinterpret them through the rule and reign of Christ, as expressed through His Ekklesia. Their exploration isn’t just about dissecting current events—it’s about rediscovering God’s original intent for creation, government, education, and every system on earth, along with every individual within it.
At its core, the gospel is about restoration—God realigning His creation with its original purpose. As the show unpacks these complex issues, it does so with the intention of bringing Heaven’s values to earthly realities. It’s about our divinely ordained call as priest who co-labor to establish Kingdom identity, purpose, and destiny in a way that manifests Heaven on earth.
Why did God create us? What was in His heart for humanity, for systems of governance, for education, and for society as a whole? These are the questions The Joe Kingdom Perspective seeks to answer. In doing so, it reminds us of our divine origin in Christ, who is the Creator of all things. “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16).
Through this lens, the show inspires believers to embrace their role and live out their calling, fearlessly as ambassadors of Heaven, and fulfilling the divine purpose envisioned before the foundation of the world.
Original Intent: Rediscovering Divine Design
Understanding original intent is like grasping the true purpose of a tool: when misunderstood, its potential is wasted. Similarly, misunderstanding our purpose can lead to a life misaligned with God’s original plan. Original intent refers to the divine design God envisioned for each person, system, and aspect of creation—a design restored through Jesus Christ. From the beginning, God’s desire was to reconcile all things to their origin in Christ, bringing them back into alignment with His perfect will. This understanding is foundational for believers, empowering us to live purposefully, embrace spiritual truths, and transform the world around us.
At the heart of this truth lies our identity as sons and daughters of God. Through Christ, we are redeemed and restored to this original purpose. He revealed who we truly are: loved, chosen, and predestined in love. Recognizing this truth is made possible by the Holy Spirit, who awakens us to our divine origin in the loving heart of the Father. In Christ, we discover the purpose for which we were created and the unique destiny He designed for each of us.
In the Beginning: Walking in Divine Purpose
Before the fall, humanity lived in perfect communion with a loving Heavenly Father. Restoring this relationship—and the true image of God—is essential for discovering our purpose and living a life of divine intention. The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in persuading us to believe as well as in guiding believers into deeper spiritual growth and alignment with God’s will. Through this journey, we uncover our God-given identity and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, impacting the world around us.
Identity extends beyond names or physical characteristics; it reflects the unique qualities God instilled in each of us. Understanding our identity in Christ empowers us to live authentically, fulfilling the roles we were created for. Our purpose becomes clear as we grow into alignment with God’s plan, shifting our thinking to the greater reality of God’s Kingdom and living from Heaven’s perspective.
Our destiny is the path God has prepared for us. By embracing our true identity and purpose, we step into this destiny, and walk in the Spirit in advancement of this Kingdom. The profound truth of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” becomes a guiding light, helping us navigate life’s challenges, releasing the message of reconciliation to others in any sphere of influence around us.
Transforming Perspectives: Living Out Original Intent
Awakening to our original intent will absolutely lead to profound personal transformation. The Holy Spirit reveals our divine origin, teaches us, stretches us and matures us in love, faith, character, and fulfillment. This growth strengthens emotional resilience, deepens empathy, and enriches our relationships with family, community, and God.
Community is an integral part of God’s design for original intent. Kingdom relationships rooted in grace, love, forgiveness, and trust foster growth in faith and reveal Christ’s image in one another. These communities embody Kingdom life, where individuals can freely explore their identity in Christ, mature in their calling, and bear fruit in the world.
Such environments encourage open dialogue where we are free to ask questions, challenge perspectives, and discover deeper truths. Together as family we gain insights and grow in our understanding of divine purpose, maturing into our identity as reflections of Christ. In these relationships, we fulfill the calling to live as He is—bringing Heaven to earth.
Encouragement for the Journey Ahead
We do not have to be afraid of modern cultural influences. Many Christians run away from the issues often in fear of somehow engaging in darkness. But we are the light of this world and contrarily can look ahead to being influencers. Join Dubb Alexander and all his guests on The Joe Kingdom Perspective as they engage unafraid in the many culturally relevant and thought-provoking conversations inspired by The Joe Rogan Experience. And rather than shy away from challenging topics, we gain new perspectives as the show reframes these discussions through the lens of God’s Kingdom. By aligning with our original intent and Christ’s perspective, we boldly step into our role as Kingdom ambassadors.
As sons and daughters of God, we are called to rule and reign in our true identity. This empowering truth enables us to partner with Christ in His mission to reconcile all things, bridging the earthly and heavenly realms. By exploring significant issues with spiritual depth and insight, The Joe Kingdom Perspective inspires believers to manifest Heaven on earth.
Join us as we transform culture, bridge sacred and secular divides, and live out the prayer: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” Guided by the Holy Spirit, let us engage in meaningful conversations that inspire and uplift, equipping us to live with purpose and impact the world for Christ.
Interested in learning more on this topic? Watch more of Joe Kingdom’s Perspective HERE