Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Donna Reiners
Breath In Breath Out

Written for by host Donna Reiners 

Catch Your Breath My Friend! 

Breathe in and breathe out my friend. Have you ever walked into a season of life when it feels as if the walls are closing in and the very ground you are walking on is now shaking? Breathe in. Breathe out.

You turn to the left and that friend who was once your “bestie” has moved on saying, “Our season of friendship is over.” You turn to the right and that special person whom you have stood with and been through thick and thin with for years is suddenly just not interested in who you are or what you have going on in life. Wow. Breathe in. Breathe out.

You look around you and realize countries are fighting, companies are folding and churches are changing direction. That family whom you have been friends with for years is divorcing and one of them is taking the other one for all they’ve got. Who knew they had such contempt for one another? Then it gets even more personal. A family member divorces because the man they were married to decided to leave her for another man – I guess the first clue was that he had more female clothing in his closet than she did in hers. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Then, a family member gets sick.
Another family member dies.
Yet another is wanting to commit suicide AND MAYBE you are thinking of doing that too. Breathe in. Breathe out.

You don’t know if you are up or down. It’s as if a day has come when every prop you used to help you stand up has been removed and you are suddenly wobbling around like a chicken that just came out of your shell. When a chick comes out of the shell, the world is new and it’s trying to figure out how to walk and what it’s going and where it is and so on.

For more of my story:  You can click on this sentence to watch a recording of my story that includes the twists and turns of my childhood but how LOVE HEALS.

LOVE lives inside you my friend and Love is always leading you.


Maybe you too had an uncomfortable childhood and it has taken you a minute to get to know yourself! Maybe you are coming out of YOUR shell?

What are you going to do when all hell breaks loose and you feel like you are falling apart or when you feel wobbly and out of sorts? Breathe in. Breathe out.

Then, do it again.

You ARE going to be okay.
You will not just survive.
You will LIVE.
LEAN into LOVE – let the props go – let the crutches go.

IDENTIFY what it is you truly believe about this God Who says He loves you unconditionally and Who says HE is your Father. It sounds personal to me. It sounds intimate. This God Who lives inside you is not just a Big Guy in the sky. This God is LOVE and you are FROM LOVE.

The God inside is Someone Who will never leave you or forsake you. This God – this LOVE has known you from before the foundations of the world. You can never be without the One Who created you! This God inside is your very breath! So, breathe in. Breathe out.

VICTORY is yours and so let yourself truly trust yourself to the Voice from deep inside your darkest fear – trust yourself to the Voice Who lives in your strongest silence.

ENCOURAGE yourself – do not just lay there and die. DO SOMETHING positive and prepare to move forward from where you are to where God wants to take you.
• You are going to have to be radically honest in order to LIVE.
• What are your props? Emotional? Mental? Financial? Spiritual? Is it God or man?
• Do you believe God not just loves you but lives within you? This is a decision that is not based on your experiences but based on the Christ inside Who does live and has made Himself available to you yesterday, today and tomorrow.
• Would you ask Father what HIS vision is for your life? I encourage you to allow the Christ inside to share God’s perspective regarding you, your life, your future.
• You DO have value and you are worth encouraging. What is your part my friend? You get to decide to stand back up. I can lift you up and your friends can lift you up but you can just sit right back down again – and it is okay that we lift one another up. Certainly, there are times when won’t make it without the lifting but AFTER you are lifted…..are you willing to choose to live?

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I see your value. Do you?

It is a perfect time to reach in yourself for your very own courage.

Remember if you are feeling weak or unable, you have a God inside Who is pure LOVE and has your back and your front and everything in between! 

Be BRAVE – Be Bold…decide today is the day for you to live from LOVE. Be Respectful toward yourself and see your own personal value and take ACTION in living. You have full permission to honor yourself with choosing life and choosing love. Remember there IS an avenue for VICTORY. Can you find that victorious voice inside you and follow it? ENCOURAGE yourself by reminding yourself that you are from LOVE. Think with me for a moment. If you and I are born from LOVE then does it not make sense that we live from LOVE?
Remind yourself to breathe in and out.

Click here to find Woman, Come Out of the Cave – a book that will help you navigate spiritually and practically through the turns of life.

Click here to find information Emotional Transformation Workshops.

Listen…today IS a new day and it is a day for personal bravery…be brave….until the LOVE inside you makes you BRAVER.

If no one has told you today that they love you – I say it now, “I love you.”

You have the very breath of God inside you friend. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Love, Donna Reiners

Watch more of Donna and co-host Dr Kami on Grace Awakening Network’s Your New Day 

    For Woman Only, connect with Donna HERE 


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