Written by Lisa Couture, Managing Editor of GanTv.com
The Greatest Story Every Told
The Greatest Story Every Told is found in the Christmas Story. Christmas celebrates the profound truth of the Incarnation. But what is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ? One of my favorite early Church fathers is St. Athanasius of Alexandria. A key figure of the early Church, St. Athanasius played a pivotal role in the drafting of the Nicene Creed, a foundational document of Christian doctrine.
The Creed was written for several reasons, one of which was to affirm core beliefs such as the homoousion of Jesus—that He is of the same substance as God the Father—and to refute the heresy of Arianism, which falsely claimed that Jesus was merely a created being. St. Athanasius also authored what is now known as the Athanasian Creed and the theological masterpiece On the Incarnation.
So What is the Incarnation?
“The Self-revealing of the Word is in every dimension – above, in creation; below, in the Incarnation; in the depth, in Hades; in the breadth, throughout the world. All things have been filled with the knowledge of God.”
― St. Athanasius, On the Incarnation
“Christ was made man that we might be made God.” ― St. Athanasius, On the Incarnation
John the Baptist proclaimed it this way, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
The spirit of Christmas is the greatest news ever proclaimed to humanity—the powerful truth of the Advent of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ embodies the reality that God refused to abandon His creation and His children to the chaos and obscurity of our own darkness, by becoming one of us.
He came to destroy the belief that we are alone in this world, separated from our Creator and Sustainer. He came to do for us and as us what we were all unable to do for ourselves. Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1 The Berean Standard
God from God, who is Jesus Christ in the flesh came to His beloved Creation, not only remove the sin of this world, but to put death to death once for all and to restore His kids to perfect innocence, our origin, joined to the Holy Trinity. His purpose truly is the Greatest Story Ever Told!
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6Â The Berean Standard
Friends, we are not separated from God!
The government, His authority, rule and reign in all of humanity rests on His shoulders.
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. John 1:14 NLT
In the Incarnation, Jesus obliterated every notion of separation and every false belief that we are alone in this world, apart from the very Giver and Sustainer of all life. When Jesus came, it is crucial to understand that the Incarnation reveals who He truly is. He was not only fully divine but also fully human, taking on the fullness of our condition to restore all of creation, and that means you and me, fully!
In the One Man, Jesus Christ—all of Heaven and Earth were united. As Paul calls Him, the Last Adam, He came to conquer the powers of sin and death through His death, burial, and resurrection. Oh, what joyous Good News this is that this Great Love compels us to tell everyone!
The Christmas Story comes alive through our love for one another. It is revealed in how we choose to see and embrace others, even when they appear to live as though they are separate—believing they are the masters of their own ship, the gods of their own lives. The truth is far more glorious: they are already included in the Greatest Love Story Ever Told.
The Christmas Story is not just a fleeting historical event; it is the eternal reality of God’s love for humanity. Over 2,000 years ago, without our permission and outside of anything we could ever earn or deserve, the Eternal Son entered our world and reconciled us to Himself through His Incarnation. This love, this union, this stunning reality—it happened. Once and for all.
But here’s the wildest, most mind-blowing part of this Good News: it wasn’t just an afterthought. It wasn’t in reaction to our brokenness. It was predestined before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1) to restore us to Truth! Before we ever took our first breath, before we could love Him back, before we even stepped foot on this earth, the God of all creation orchestrated this divine rescue mission—a plan rooted in Perfect Love.
This is the Christmas Story: the Eternal Son stepping into time to unite humanity with the Trinity. It is not just a story—it is our story, the greatest love story in the cosmos, one that continues to unfold as we live out His love for one another. The Incarnation didn’t just happen 2,000 years ago; it reverberates through eternity, breaking through our hearts, softening the hardened, and drawing all of us deeper into the unfathomable love of God.
Let this truth light a fire in us as we celebrate His advent. We are carriers of this love, witnesses to this eternal reality, and partakers in His unshakable union. This is the Gospel. This is Christmas. This is the power of His love!
Oh the thrill of Hope, this weary world can rejoice in Jesus Christ!
How has this unfolded in my own life?
Well, I will never forget the moment the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and revealed this life-changing truth:
“I will never look into the eyes of another person who is not made in His image and likeness and already deeply loved by Him.”
This revelation changed everything for me. It completely transformed how I see people. Suddenly, I began to view others through the lens of God’s unfailing love. No matter where someone is in life—whether lost, broken, blind, or burdened by shame; no matter how much has been squandered; no matter how bitter, selfish, cruel, or consumed by addiction—they are, in this very moment, deeply loved and intrinsically valued by God. They belong to Him.
This truth dismantled the false walls of division and judgment that fear had built in my heart. The Holy Spirit, who is God Himself, softened me to love more freely and deeply. This is, at its core, the heart of the Christmas story: Christ has reconciled us to Himself, making us one with Him through the Incarnation. It’s the good news of the gospel that compels those of us who know this truth to share it—not out of fear, but out of love!
Fear is a liar. Fear demands. Fear divides. Fear separates. Fear is a cruel taskmaster.
But in Christ, fear is abolished. His coming has removed every trace of fear and alienation. Through Him, we are being transformed from grace to grace and glory to glory. He, the embodiment of Perfect Love, casts out all fear. It’s His Love, dwelling within us, that compels us to love others. This is the beauty of the Incarnation—the Christmas story itself—God’s Perfect Love choosing to dwell within mankind in perfect union.
It is through our expressions of this Love that those who feel lost and far away can come to know Him. For faith works through love.
This Love now fuels every fiber of our being as we proclaim the good news of His advent: that the Person of Perfect Love came to rescue us. He was pleased to become one with us, to dwell among us, and now to live within us through the Incarnation.
We are united with the Trinity, reconciled to the beloved family of God. This is the gift of Christmas. This is Christmas and the power of His Great Love for us.
Christmas is the Greatest Story Ever Told!
My dear sweet friends, if you know Him, go out and tell the world of His Great Love!
Merry Christmas to you all, you are deeply loved vessels of God!