Written By Donna Reiners, host of Gan TV’s Your New Day. Click HERE to watch.
Love—what a profound and transformative force it is. Love never stops loving.
Today, let’s explore love in its truest, deepest sense: the love that flows within us, around us, and through us. This is not simply human affection but the essence of the divine, the fiery love that comes from knowing the One who lives within us.
There’s an undeniable truth about God: He is not just energy, though His presence flows through everything. God is love. And if we are to love ourselves completely and unconditionally, we must recognize and connect with this living presence within us.
Are We Truly Broken?
It’s tempting to think of ourselves as flawed, bound by the notion of a “fallen world.” But what if that perspective is an illusion? The idea that we are inherently broken or condemned gives us permission to settle for less—to accept sickness, failure, or mediocrity as inevitable.
Yet, through Christ, humanity has been renewed, made whole. If we truly believe in a God who resides in us, then we are not fallen but empowered to live intentionally, cultivating purpose and bearing fruit in this life. God is Love, and this Love never stops loving.
Enjoy GAN TV’s episode Speak Love on Your New Day with Donna Reiners and Dr Kami Owen -> HERE
Love: A Fiery, Eternal Energy
Love is truly beyond doctrine—love is an eternal energy, but it is also personal. The Bible, while written for its original audience, offers wisdom we can embrace today.
Take 1 Corinthians 13, a passage often celebrated for its poetic depiction of love. In the Aramaic, the word for love is hubah, a term that also means “to set on fire.” This burning love is not passive; it’s an eternal energy—a fiery, transformative force that bonds hearts and creates secure relationships. This is the Love that never stops loving.
When Paul spoke of this love, he described it as more than just a feeling. It is an active power, deeply rooted in the inner depths of the heart. This is love as eternal energy—an energy that lives within us and invites us to sync up with it. Are we living from this fiery, eternal love within us? If Paul had it, so do we.
Living Love in Action
The Bible gives us vivid descriptions of what love looks like in action. The Passion Translation of 1 Corinthians 13 paints a picture of love as patient, kind, and selfless. It’s not jealous, boastful, or easily offended. Love doesn’t dwell in shame or disrespect but celebrates truth and creates a safe place of shelter. It believes the best in others and never gives up.
In the Message Bible, Romans adds even more layers to this understanding. It challenges us to “love from the center of who you are” and to keep ourselves “fueled and aflame.” Love isn’t just a sentiment; it’s a call to action—to serve with joy, endure hard times, and practice kindness, even toward those who wrong us.
The Aramaic rendering of 1 Corinthians 13:4 offers a profound insight: “Love transforms the spirit.” This is no small statement. Love has the power to change us from within, aligning us with the eternal energy of God. It is this transformative love that allows us to overcome challenges, build meaningful relationships, and live purposefully.
Embracing Love as Our Foundation
Even when life feels overwhelming, love invites us to remain open to mystery. Who knows what lies beyond this life? If love fuels our purpose here, why wouldn’t it continue to do so in the dimensions that await us?
It’s easy to fall into the trap of judgment, whether of ourselves or others. But love calls us higher. It asks us to let go of murmuring and complaining, those subtle ways we tear others down. Instead, love invites us to build up, to speak life, and to cultivate an environment of grace. This is not about following rules but about embodying love. As Romans says, “Don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil and hold on for dear life to good.”
True love transforms, uplifts, and inspires us to live from a place of authenticity and connection.
The Call to Love Without End
Ultimately, the heart of God is simple: Love yourself, let God love you, and love others. When we live in this love, everything else falls into place. It becomes the foundation for how we navigate life’s challenges, build relationships, and fulfill our purpose.
So, let’s keep looking at love. Let’s embrace the fiery, burning love that flows from the eternal energy of God within us. Let’s allow it to transform us, to fuel our actions, and to guide us into deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the divine.
May you never stop loving yourself, being loved, and loving others… because at the end of the day, Love never stops loving.
Donna Reiners
Click on 40 Days to the BRAVE New You to purchase my book.