Lost Faith, Unstoppable Grace: This Is Cindy’s Journey

Faith Shaken: Grace Unshakable

Have you ever wondered if you could lose something as sacred as your faith—and then, against all odds, find it again? If you’ve ever felt distant from what once lit you up, or wrestled with the weight of rules that seemed to snuff out joy, you’re not alone. Grace, law, grace, law: a hamster wheel that never ends—that’s how one woman, after 52 years of spiritual searching, sums up her story.

Her spiritual roots were planted in the traditions of Catholicism and Pentecostalism. But what at one time began in innocence and wonder took a dark turn. She describes a time when the vibrant Jesus Movement she belonged to—full of hippie love and freedom—turned into something suffocating. The same people who first introduced her to Jesus later told her she had lost her salvation. Overnight, the atmosphere shifted from grace to hellfire, from freedom to fear. “It literally went from white to black,” she recalls.

For seven long years, she lived in that darkness, trapped in an abusive relationship, convinced that God had abandoned her. But here’s where her story becomes a mirror for anyone who’s ever questioned whether hope is still possible: God had not turned His back on her ever. He was quietly, powerfully at work, bringing her out of the shadows. “The story of how He brought me back to Him and rescued me from this man is an amazing story in itself,” she says. It’s proof that even in our bleakest moments, grace doesn’t leave. It waits.

a group of people posing for a photo
Cindy Reid and her beautiful family.

Grace: A Lifelong Journey To Freedom

And yet, the journey didn’t end with deliverance. It became a lifelong evolution—through word-of-faith teachings, miracles, and questions that burned deeper than any sermon could answer. Over and over, she asked, Where is my first love? Where are you, Jesus? It’s a question so many of us have whispered when religious structures feel cold and empty.

Grace Brought Me Healing

Today, at 69, she’s found freedom—not through perfection or formulas, but through understanding that God is truly on her side. He is safe. She describes her current season as one of learning to live loved, healed, and free, guided by grace rather than bound by law.

“For the first time in 69 years, I’m learning freedom from religion, the power of love and grace in union with my Father who never forsakes me, and the Holy Spirit is my main teacher.” Cindy Reid 

Radical Grace

If you take nothing else from her story, take this: No matter how far you feel you’ve drifted, no matter how tangled the rules and expectations around you have become, grace is still pursuing you.


Her journey has also been shaped by the teachers and mentors she’s discovered along the way. It began with Malcolm Smith [Unconditional Love Ministries] in the 70s and early 80s, then continued with Andrew Wommack, Mike Williams, Joseph Prince, and Berti Brits. Twelve years ago, she found Facebook and a new circle of grace-filled friends and teachers. Don Keathley’s inclusion message was difficult for her at first, but over time, her heart opened, and she now embraces it with love. She surrounds herself with voices like Catherine, Connie Miller, Jason Clark, and Paul Young, constantly soaking in the beauty of their teachings.

Recently, she discovered Mike Hoesch, a healing and grace teacher whose wisdom is helping her heart become firmly established in all that we are and have in Christ through grace. These teachers, along with her personal experiences, have helped her move from fear to freedom, law to love.

And so, she encourages others: explore these resources, let their messages guide you, and allow grace to transform your heart too. You never know—what feels unreachable today might be the beginning of your own story of restoration.

So, where might grace be waiting for you to simply ask, Where are you, Jesus?



Want to go deeper? Here are a couple of powerful messages from Cindy’s mentors we think you’ll love:

Malcolm Smith — Jesus In Our Darkness
Watch here ➡️ [HERE]

Catherine Toon — God’s RELENTLESS Pursuit of You! (EP020)
Watch here ➡️ [HERE]

Editorial Note: GAN TV believes that your story matters. This article is part of a series sharing many testimonies about the many believers who have rediscovered Jesus Christ, the gospel of grace and freedom after being held in the bondage of religion; some for many years. Your story matters. If you would like to tell your story and have it considered for publishing, please email Lisa@Gantv.com.


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